4h 24m

VIP Access Features

This is a description of all the in-game benefits that arise from having VIP Access.

List of benefits for players with VIP Access:
  • VIP Island is a private island where you'll find a multitude of new, undiscovered locations with monsters, as well as mysterious new things that have perplexed more than one experienced player!

  • Experience gained by your character while facing various monster forces in the game is increased by up to 10% for each defeated monster.

  • New Commands that will allow you to save time, enabling you to dedicate it to further developing your character, as we all know, time is money. To view the available list of commands, go here.

  • Selling items to NPC Soya in large quantities used to be a pain with counting the amount you had. As a VIP Access owner, you will be able to sell a specific item in the available quantity using the all command when talking to the NPC Soya. For example, by saying sell all boots of haste will allow you to sell all pieces that your character currently has.

  • Secret Gems will help strengthen your character. As a VIP Access owner, your total usages will be increased to 50! The direction in which you develop it depends solely on your preferences. You can read more here.
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